
8-10 October 2023Värmdö

Strong experiences in nature combined with conversation, mental training and presence

In a world marked by rapid change, climate crises, automation, the overwhelming influence of social media, and ongoing global conflicts, we all face challenges and thorns on our life's path. Connecting with our inner selves and establishing a grounded relationship with ourselves, others, society, and nature is increasingly vital to regain balance and direction.

Nature Quest - Ekskäret harmonises contemporary research with traditional practices to guide participants towards a deeper understanding of themselves, enhancing their ability to be present and explore their inner motivations. Inner Development Goals is a framework that describes five dimensions and 23 skills and characteristics for inner development. The Quest provide a unique opportunity to delve into two of these dimensions in particular: Being - Relationship to self, which is described as "Cultivating our inner life and developing and deepening our relationship to our thoughts, feelings and body help us be present, intentional and non-reactive when we face complexity" and Relating - Caring for Others and the World which is described as "Appreciating, caring for and feeling connected to others, such as neighbours, future generations or the biosphere, helps us create more just and sustainable systems and societies for everyone.".

As a participant, you'll spend two days alone in nature, allowing you to forge a profound connection with yourself and identify what truly matters in your life. Removing the distractions of everyday life and immersing yourself in a challenging environment creates a rare opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. Nature, in its serene beauty, aids relaxation and presence in the moment.

During the program, you'll acquire techniques to heighten your sensory awareness, cultivate mindfulness, and learn wilderness skills to ensure your safety during your solo experience. Before and after this solitary period, all participants will come together to share their experiences and insights during group exercises and around the campfire. This collective reflection will provide valuable perspectives and aid the integration of newfound wisdom into your daily life.

The Nature Quest comprises five phases:

  • The Decision: The inner journey begins with a desire, often long before signing up for the program.
  • The Preparation: This phase addresses practical questions and concerns to create the best conditions for transformation.
  • The Teaching: Participants receive theoretical knowledge, methods, and exercises to maximise their solo experience.
  • The Solo: Spending time alone in nature supports self-discovery and a deep connection with the natural world.
  • The Re-Entry: Participants learn to apply their insights and newfound awareness daily.

    Former participants attest to the transformative power of Nature Quest, describing it as one of the most profound experiences in their lives.

    This time, Nature Quest - Ekskäret is on a secluded peninsula in the Stockholm archipelago.


Pris: 4.375 kr inkl. moms. 

Nature Quest-Ekskäret  takes place on Värmdö, which is located east of Stockholm in the archipelago.


Think mountain hiking, a tent that can withstand bad weather with wind and rain. A good sleeping pad, a comfortable sleeping bag. Ev. a storm kitchen to heat water on but I suggest you fast (more on that below) and rather have a (two) thermos with a hot drink. A whistle is good to have with you if you want to announce yourself.


It should be warm and comfortable even if the weather is tough. It is therefore about taking with you for all eventualities. Think skiing holidays in the mountains/alps in April, i.e. underwear (if possible in wool), shirt, warm sweater, warm down vest/jacket, shell jacket, rain pants or waterproof ski pants. Hat, mittens, woolen socks (2-3 pairs), waterproof boots etc. boots.


We suggest fasting and a drink that is very popular in Hollywood "The Master Cleanser Fast" (consists of maple syrup, cayenne pepper and lime juice mixed in water). It keeps your stomach going, makes you less frozen and doesn't suffer from violent hunger.


Göran will continuously check from a distance that you are OK and there is a system that allows you to call for attention if necessary.

If you withdraw your registration earlier than two weeks before the start of the course, 50% of the participation fee will be refunded. In the event of a medical certificate, 100% of the participation fee will be refunded.


Göran Gennvi is the founder of the Naturakademin. He works with transformative learning as a guide and coach, but also as a strategy consultant for national and international companies. He has arranged Nature Quests since the early 90s and during the last fifteen years worked together with e.g. American John P Milton - Way of Nature and Professor Chief Oren Lyons - Onondaga Nation for 25 years.

Please read more at or contact Göran at

Stiftelsen Ekskäret

The Ekskäret Foundation

The Ekskäret Foundation works for consciousness development, lifelong learning and curious exploratory meetings with cross-border perspectives. We create experiences that deepen understanding of our body, our minds and nature. Nature Quest is a unique and well-known tool for transformative learning that we now host on our island and neighboring islands.